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Drafting Center Front Darts or Tucks

sketch of pattern draft - 1st step of CF darts

Moving your bodice darts to the center front creates a subtle emphasis on the bust, while maintaining the fit of your original bodice pattern.

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How to Draft a Sheath Dress Pattern

A sheath dress is, essentially, your block dress pattern - but without the waist seam. A sheath is a close-fitting dress, and so simple to draft - there's little difference from your block!

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How to Draft a Sailor Pant Pattern

hip flare 1

Drafting a Sailor pant pattern is a bit challenging, but the button detail at the front is totally worth the trouble!

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Draped Pleat Skirt Adds Subtle Shape

A draped pleat skirt adds subtle shape at the hips. It can be soft and drapey, or firm and structured.

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How to Create a Design Sketch

how to sketch 1

Creating a design sketch is one of the first, and most important steps in design. Get your ideas on paper!

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Pattern Making Basics: Slopers and Blocks

Pattern making begins with drafting a basic dress sloper or block. This bland, simple garment is the key to how to draft a dress.

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More Pattern Manipulations for Fullness and Darts

There's more than one way to do pattern manipulations. In this video, I show you multiple methods to add fullness or move a dart on your pattern.

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More About Using Quarter Scale Patterns

I'm often asked about how to use quarter scale patterns, and there's a lot of confusion about them. This video explains it all!

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Style vs fashion - do you know the difference?

Do you know the difference between style and fashion? They are NOT the same thing!

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Patternmaking Tools to Get You Started

The patternmaking tools required to begin pattern design are simple and readily available - you can start with just a couple of specialty rulers!

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How Do Collars Work?

How do collars work? Why do some lay flat and others roll high on the neck?

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Sewing Gifts for Your Favorite Seamstress - or For You!

Gifts for those who sew are thoughtful, useful, and fun! Try a cute pin cushion, pro scissors, or a new machine!

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How Sewing Ease Differs from Style and Fit Ease

Sewing ease is not the same as fit ease or style ease. Much like a dart, sewing ease helps to shape the fabric of your garment over the curves of your body.

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Do You Speak the "Language of Patterns"?

Do you speak the "language of patterns"? Yes, patterns have a language - it's in the markings that communicate the details of how to cut and sew the garment.

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Fit and Proportion in Fashion Design

Fit and proportion are every bit as important to your look as your style. Even the greatest style falls flat if it's out of proportion.

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