How to Create Clothes that Fit You Perfectly

Why is it so important to have clothes that fit?

Because fit is the key to looking fabulous every day.

You know how you feel when you clothes aren’t quite right? 

You put them on thinking they look OK – not great, but OK – then spend the day pushing up your sleeves, tugging at the hem of your blouse, yanking at your waistband…….

Not a great confidence builder, is it?

You hope nobody is watching as you constantly adjust your clothes, and you feel self-conscious.

Now – think about your favorite outfit, the one that makes you feel like a million bucks.  I’ll bet there’s no pushing or tugging when you wear that one.

You'll Look Terrific in Clothes that Fit Well

The difference?  It fits!

If you sew your own clothes  you probably already make adjustments, either to your patterns or during the sewing process.

In fact, I’ll bet you make the same adjustments over and over again. If your arms are short, you’re going to be shortening every sleeve, on every garment you ever make.

But when you make your own sewing patterns, the fit is built in – so you’ll never do alterations again!

woman holding a dress while looking in a mirror

The key is using a pattern “block” custom fit to your figure.

a basic dress block on a body form

A block is a pattern for a very basic dress or pants, with no style details and minimal garment ease – it’s pretty boring but it is, essentially, a “blank slate” to which you’ll apply your creativity in style and detail.

Once you’ve made whatever adjustments are necessary to achieve your perfect fit, you’ll use the block to create new designs – and they’ll fit every time because your adjustments are built in!

The sleeves will be the right length because you’re starting with a block with corrected sleeves.  The bust and hips will fit perfectly because you’re starting with a block that’s already been adapted to your size and shape.

From there, creating new designs using your block is just a matter of adding style lines and style ease - like slashing and spreading the pattern to make a full skirt, adding width to the center front for a wrap jacket or top, or adding wide, gathered straps to make a cute sundress.

Whatever you want to make, whatever you can dream of – you’ll be able to achieve it, using a block designed to make clothes that fit.

sketches of dresses that can be made from a basic dress block

How do you make this block?

You can start with a whole list of measurements and drafting instructions, but that requires someone to help you measure (because it’s almost impossible to measure yourself accurately) and some math.

But there’s an easier way to do it – start with a basic “fitting pattern”, make your adjustments to that pattern, and it will become your block.

What's the Next Step?

If you haven’t already done so, go to the Getting Started section, and you’ll find what you need to cut and sew a basic garment from your fitting pattern. Then move on to “Fitting the Bodice”, "Fitting the Sleeve" and Fitting the Skirt” – you’ll have your own personal block done in no time!

Need More Help with Fitting Issues?

The examples on this site reflect MY fitting issues and how I resolved them.  Your body is likely very different. 

But, since this is a site about the mechanics of making patterns and not specifically about fitting, I'm not going to address other fit issues here. And believe me, there are others who can address this issue better than me.

Any of the books listed below will help you achieve good fit. You can use the techniques on any pattern; but why make the same corrections over an over again?  Apply the principles to your block, and the fit corrections YOU need will be automatically built in to every pattern you make!

I can recommend any of the following books and an online courses to help you achieve good fit, no matter what your size or shape.  I own or have used almost all of the books on this list, and have been pleased with how they address fit problems.

And there are a couple that address plus sizes, too!

Click on the links below to go to the item in Amazon.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This helps to keep this site free for your use. You are free to search Amazon for these or other similar items without using the affiliate links on this page. 

I am also an affiliate of Craftsy, and receive a small commission on their classes.  I have taken several Craftsy classes, and highly recommend them. Click on the text links, below, to find the classes at the Craftsy site. You may need to become a member to access the classes.  

 - Pattern Fitting With Confidence - A very useful book written by the late Nancy Zieman, host of the TV series "Sewing with Nancy". She provides a straightforward, down-to-earth approach to sewing and fitting. Very user-friendly.

 - The Complete Photo Guide to Perfect Fitting - I love this book!!! So wonderfully illustrated with photos, using commercial patterns to demonstrate the pattern alterations. It addresses almost any fit problem you might have. So easy to understand and follow!

 -Sewing for Plus Sizes - Creating Clothes that Fit and Flatter  - A great book for Plus sizes!  As a woman gets larger, it's not just the measurements that change - our overall proportions shift, too.  This book addresses the different body types and proportions you commonly see in larger women. Truly helpful for larger women.

- Fitting Solo from Measurements to Muslin - This class shows you how to take your own measuements (fundamental to creating your block), and then make adjustments to the pattern (make these changes to the FITTING pattern for a perfectly fitted block!). You will also make a muslin, as I have described in the block-making process. It's kind of like the instructions on this site, but with video demonstrations!

- Pattern Alterations: Fixing Fit Issues - This course covers pattern alterations to correct a gaping neckline, sleeve issues (including fitting the bicep), and making adjustments to the abdomen and seat areas.

- Plus Size Pattern Fitting and Design - As a size 16 (and only 5'2" tall), I qualify as a Plus size. And I've taken this class with Barbara Deckert - it is FABULOUS! Aside from the fitting tips, she also explains the style lines and silhouettes that are flattering to the Plus size figure. I highly recommend this class!

Step-by-Step: Making and Fitting Your Block

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